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MG 2086

Project-Driven Creation

Project-Driven Creation (PDC) is a concise handbook that provides feasible and realistic techniques for the implementation of this leading approach to project management. It presents the unique integration of the four ingredients of successful project management; the traditional (control) tools plus the harnessing of the power of project teams plus the managing of the project environment plus the developing of personal leadership in all project participants.

This pocket-sized book is filled with easily absorbed, practical concepts, tricks and tips of the trade and is clearly and aptly illustrated. A free download of the table of contents and Chapter 21, “International project teams”, is available. In conjunction with the release of PDC, we are offering a free, succinct, and dynamic workshop on the PDC process in-house at your location. For more information contact Ernst Harting.


Uitgeverij: Phaos Opleidingen
ISBN 13: 978 90 5594 823 9
auteurs: Jo Bos, Ernst Harting en Marlet Hesselink 

Bestel dit boek op managementboek.nl
